
Leveling up the gaming industry…

Unusual Studios Gives All Other Sports Games A Massive Kick

December 7, 2012

By Sana Choudary, YetiZen CEO

At YetiZen, our Accelerator portfolio companies break boundaries and kick through the limitations of existing markets in the game industry. Unusual Studios is no exception. Unusual unites brands and the sports they love together in a smart and scalable way on mobile and social platforms, delivering the sports-game experience to a massive, energized audience.

Imagine for a moment: it’s the end of a thrilling match and sports fans are beginning to file out of the stadium. Viewers at home turn off their televisions and bars close as citizens return to their regular, mundane lives. Adrenaline was high just a few moments ago, yet now the cathartic release of post-game excitement is half-heartedly accepted by all. Fans yearn for the next game, drudging through an entire week devoid of the rush of seeing their teams on the field in a battle of wits and athleticism.

If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably experienced this all yourself. After the game ends, whether we are in the stands or in front of the TV, we desperately crave more sports-related content. What better way to capture that fervor than through readily accessible mobile devices?

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