Workshop: Jean-Francois Gauthier
September 19, 2011
Tech Strategy & Finance Expert Jean-Francois Gauthier, CFO & Co-Founder at Eolica Power, shared his personal incite incite into how to successfully pitch to investors. Jean-Francois explained that VC and Angel investors respond positively to visceral emotions. He shared some ways to capitalize on these emotions to make sure that your presentation is memorable. Investors are trying to make quick & informed decisions about whether your company fits in with their model, so Jean-Francois emphasized the need to excite them in the first 5 minutes of a presentation. Do you have their undivided attention? Are they excited, titillated and on the edge of their seat? Jean-Francois explained some tactics for exciting investors, tactics that make investors feel as though they would be missing out if they did not invest in your company. He wound down his presentation by laying out some concrete ways to make your first 5-7 slides as interesting as possible. These slides either make or break your presentation, so he explained what types of positive messages you should include on your slides. In the end, we left Jean-Francois’ workshop knowing how to create presentations that compel investors to share your company with their friends and colleagues.
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